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Thursday, June 14, 2012

A New Investment

Imagine there is a bank which credits your account with $86,400 each morning, carries over no cash balance from day to day, and every evening cancels whatever amount you have failed to use during the day.
What would you do? Draw out every cent, of course!

Well, everyone has such a bank. Its name is TIME. Every morning, it credits you with 86,400 seconds. Every night it writes off as lost whatever time you have failed to use to good purpose. It carries over no balance. It allows no overdraft.

Each day it opens a new account for you. Each night it erases the records of that day. If you fail to spend the day's deposits wisely, the loss is yours. There is no going back. There is no drawing against the "tomorrow."

You must live in the present on today's deposits. Invest it so as to get from it the utmost in health, happiness and success! The clock is running. Make the most of today.

To realize the value of ONE YEAR, ask the student who has failed his exam.
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask the mother who has given birth to a premature baby.
To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask the editor of a weekly newspaper.
To realize the value of ONE DAY, ask the daily wage laborer who has ten kids to feed.
To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the lovers who are waiting to meet again.
To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask the person who has just missed the train.
To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask the person who has survived an accident.
To realize the value of MILLI-SECOND, ask the person who has won a silver medal in Olympics.

I recently came back from San Diego on a beach trip to celebrate a friend's birthday, and even though we spent four days (including travel), it seemed that time was passing ever so speedily. And while on a walk down the the boardwalk we were stopped by two other young ladies doing college research. They asked us to watch a 60 second YouTube video and answer a few questions, which ultimately led to their main goal of initiating a spiritual conversation.

The video discussed the value of time and focused on the issue of how we invest our time. 24 hours, 1,440 minutes, 86,400 seconds.

Tick. Tick. Tick.

How do you spend your time? How do you determine what is most valuable to you? Do you spend most of your time focusing on that which you hold most dear, or does a little go a long way?

I was struck by the blatant truth when asked, "how much time would you say you spend focusing on your spirituality?" I realized that even while on summer vacation, with nearly nothing to do, I still spend less than 30% of my time dedicated to God's word, bowed in prayer and in fellowship with His saints combined!

How appalling!

I am not quite sure how to go about fixing that, though. Should I pop-a-daily-squat and plan out each second of my day and force myself to stick to the schedule? Or, as a Californian might say, "live free" and do this as and when I please?

This confrontation on the beach by two strangers has led me further in my task of shooting for my You3.0 (thank you Elder John Melvin for that phrase) and becoming spiritually fit in my goal of being a Proverbs 31 woman.

Take Advantage of Every Dwindling Little Second

1 comment:

  1. This is something with which I struggle on a daily basis! Why is it so hard to make that time for the Lord? I love it when I'm there, but seem to be constantly finding ways to prevent myself from being there. I've found that if I don't set a schedule, I won't ever "get 'round to it". That's the Me1.0. The monologue in my head usually goes something like: I'll pray as soon as I am done with _______.
    And it usually isn't something useless like watching tv. Usually it's totally legitimate and productive stuff, like vacuuming or folding laundry, which makes it much easier to justify my decision. Easier to push down the guilt.

    Don't get me wrong. I'm still not so good at sticking to a schedule, but I do read and pray more often if I have it planned.

    Love you!
