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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Count Your... Pies, Name Them One By One!

Think That Christ Has Promised You His Wealth Untold...

The last couple of days have been one blessing after another. It started out with a voicemail from the Dell Scholarship stating that although I have not been able to fulfill all the requirements, they are going to send me a computer anyways! I couldn't believe it. I was getting so desperate for a computer to use for school, I almost went and bought the cheapest working computer I could find. The voicemail continued on to give directions for how to verify my address and the shipment procedures and indicated the model of Dell I was going to be receiving...

This contraption is what Google showed me.

For those of you who do not personally know me, I am the epitome of "techno-tard". So the humor continued as I did some more research on the Dell 12 XPS Convertible Ultrabook that is priced a little over $1,000. I was simply going to buy a crappy little computer that had the internet and word (probably the 1902 version...), but by waiting a few days longer, I was blessed this interesting tablet-laptop.


He came by truck the following day, and I named it Burt.

Do Not Be Discouraged, God Is Over All!

I also received my financial aid for school today and won't be kicked out! Woot, woot! Early last week I was emailed about a required payment due by this Friday. God's timing is always perfect. My federal financial aid being disbursed is also a blessing for another reason- it activates the rest of my scholarship! So, Lord willing, I will be able to graduate debt-free in a few years!

Count Your Many Blessings, Name Them One By One...

Finally, along with this cool fall weather that rolled in this week, came "the baking mood". Now, if you don't know what I mean by "the baking mood", you're probably really skinny or are a single guy living in Antarctica far away from any females of any species.

DON'T Be This Man!

In all seriousness, I need to stay out of the kitchen... In the last five days, I have baked:
Bacon, cheese and chive scones
Pumpkin Cupcakes with Cream Cheese Frosting
Cinnamon French Toast Bake
Pita Chip Breakfast Casserole
Sandy's Chocolate Chip Cookies
Honey Pie
Peanut Butter Chocolate Swirl Moose Pie

....and I am still looking for more to make! I can't get enough. I have run in to one problem, though. I am cooking too fast for the Boys to keep up with- you'd think five boys would eat a lot faster than they are!

This is a picture of my Honey Pie.

...And You Will Be Singing As the Days Go By!

All in all, it is only Wednesday and my cup is running over! I pray the Lord continue to spread His wealth of rich blessings down on each of you and that you can find something sweet to enjoy today (you're welcome to come have pie with me).

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